If I had one opportunity to speak to every single woman under the sun; if I could share only one bit of advice; if I could offer only one bit of encouragement; I would simply say, ‘Do it now!’ What exactly is ‘It’ you might ask? My answer would be, ‘Whatever dream God has placed in your heart’. ‘It’ will differ from one person to the next. ‘It’ will depend on the thing that drives and motivates you. Whatever mountain you feel the need to conquer; whatever adventure you feel you were born to pursue; whatever contribution you feel you were created to make to this world; do it now!
Live your life to the fullest. Don’t wait for ‘ Mr Right’ to come along and help you chart the course of your life. Your assignment from God is unique to you and the presence or absence of a man in your life will not add to or diminish your responsibility for what you were born to do. Your husband will not answer for your call and you will not answer for his. We are each individually accountable to God for the gifts He has given us and the assignment He has created us to fulfil. It would certainly be rewarding to have someone to share your assignment with right now but don’t suspend your dreams while you’re waiting for ‘him’ to turn up. Let ‘him’ meet you busy with the business of life.
All I’m trying to say is don’t put your life on hold. You were created to be an asset to our world and on your own you have something unique to contribute. Bring all your gifts to bear on this present moment. Maximise this season. Don’t let your longing for the next season rob you of the beauty of this one. Don’t put your dreams on ice simply because your dream man hasn’t showed up yet. Focus on what you’ve got; don’t concentrate on what you’ve not. While you are free of the responsibility of a family, enjoy this moment to the fullest and make your best contribution to our world.
The ideal scenario may be for you to get married on cue when you want to. But what if that hasn’t happened yet? Should you postpone living until you have someone in your life? Should you press the ‘pause’ button on your dreams until love finds you? There are things you can do in this season of your life that may not come so easily in the next. Want to go back to school? Do it now. Want to start a business? Do it now! Want to travel? Do it now! Serve in church faithfully. Learn a new skill. Develop your gifts. Pursue God with passion. Write your book. Release your album. Give to charity. Gain financial mastery. Invest in property. Start a new project. Whatever your life is meant to be about in the future, start now!
Whatever you do, don’t underestimate the power of this season of your life. Ten years down the line you will be ten years older, whether you like it or not. It’s up to you whether you’re also ten times more knowledgeable, ten times more skilled, ten times more financially stable, ten times more valuable. It’s up to you how much impact you’ve made, how many lives you’ve blessed, how much value you have added to our world. These are things no man can give you and no man can take away from you. Your contribution to our world is yours to make. Don’t let the presence or absence of a man in your life dictate the impact you can make right now. You are not a second-class citizen so don’t let anyone make you feel that way. You are a daughter of the King so carry your assignment with dignity.
There is power in your vision; live it now. Fill every waking moment with purpose and live your life to the hilt. Some people may try to sell you the idea that a man will not be attracted to a woman who is too established. So should you rob the world of the gift of you to cater to the insecurities of someone you haven’t met yet? Great men are attracted to women of purpose because they will see in you a strong ally who will help them further their own dreams. The man God has for you will celebrate your gifts, your skills, your competencies and your achievements. He will not be threatened in the least because he will see you as a help, not a hindrance. He will be able to share your triumphs as you will also share in his. Live the life you were born to live without apology. The virtuous woman in Proverbs 31 was a woman of purpose, a business woman, an investor and a wonderful wife and mother. I suspect that her resourcefulness did not begin when she got married. She had most likely cultivated the habits of success before she got married. Her husband was not in the least bit intimidated by her accomplishments – he praised her!
I want to give a shout out to all the single women out there who are giving God their best, filling their lives with purposeful pursuits, bettering our communities, living their dreams, blessing the lives of others, achieving great feats, and basically maximising this moment against all odds. I celebrate the gift of you. Your next season will favour you because you have not discounted the value of this current season.
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